Innovation Fund - European Commission
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Climate Action
Innovation Fund: Deploying innovative net-zero technologies for climate neutrality. Funded by the EU Emissions Trading System

The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies.

The Innovation Fund was established by Article 10a(8) of Directive 2003/87/EC to support across all Member States innovation in low-carbon technologies and processes.

In the EU, polluters have to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions via the Emissions Trading System (ETS). The money raised via the ETS is reinvested into the Innovation Fund: one of the world’s largest funding programmes for innovative low-carbon technologies.

A tool for funding innovative low-carbon technologies under the Innovation Fund.

The Innovation Fund calls for proposals are prepared with the active involvement of the Innovation Fund Expert Group.

The European Commission and/or CINEA organise regular events and webinars on the Innovation Fund for presenting lessons learned or relevant policy developments.

Have you applied to the Innovation Fund, but not been awarded a grant? You may have the possibility to benefit from our Project Development Assistance (PDA).

The list of National Contact Points for the Innovation Fund, who are available to provide further information on the Fund and in particular its interactions with national funding instruments and other EU programmes