We are pleased to announce that the SMART 8th Call for Projects is open. From now until 16th of January 2025 you can send us your Project Outlines.

The Project Outline (PO) provides a short overview of the concept, the objectives of the project and the partnership even if they are not entirely settled. This document allows early advice and feedback from the evaluators. This step is highly recommended, but participants may submit a Full Project Proposal straightforward.

The PO is used for the pre-selection of proposals, preliminary information and budget discussions between the SMART organisation and the respective Public Authorities and for general information exchange within the SMART organisation. It enables an initial selection among the different submitted ideas, while keeping the workload of consortia to a minimum.

As in the previous editions, SMART will be using the Cluster Project Tool that will enable participants to enter the key project data into the system to automate some subsequent tasks.

PO Proposers’ Day will be held in Sheffield (United Kingdom) on October 29th 2024

If you have an Innovative Project Idea on Advanced Manufacturing and you want to form an International Consortium to develop it, join us at the on–site event we are organising in collaboration with Innovate UK and High Value Manufacturing Catapult, set to take place within Call 8 in Sheffield (UK) at The University of Sheffield AMRC (High Value Manufacturing Catapult – HVMC) on the 29th and 30th of October. 

This year, the event spans two days: October 29th will feature morning pitching sessions for project partnerships and afternoon B2B meetings. On October 30th, we’ve organized visits to leading local companies, offering valuable insights.

You can find detailed information and register for the event in the 8th SMART PO Proposers’ Day website.

8th Call Calendar

The main milestones of the SMART 8th Call for Projects are:

  • 29th October 2024: PO Proposers’ Day.
  • 16th January 2025: Deadline for PO (11:00am CET)
  • 5th March 2025: Announcement Invitation to Present FPP.
  • 10th April 2025: Deadline for FPP (11:00am CEST)
  • 2nd June 2025: Selected projects receive SMART Label.

Research and Innovation Domains

SMART Technology Roadmap illustrates the technology areas and developments that are needed to take a big step in the competitiveness of European manufacturing industry and includes six main Research and Innovation Domains. Submitted proposals must cover any of these topics:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Processes
  • Intelligent & Adaptive Manufacturing Systems
  • Person-Machine Collaboration
  • Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Digital, Virtual & Efficient Companies
  • Customer-Based manufacturing




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