Call for peripheral and lagging areas
The call is open until 10 December 2024, 16:00 CET.
Our new call is open: Apply now
With this call, we invite organisations from across central Europe to develop transnational cooperation ideas for small-scale projects that “pioneer solutions for peripheral and lagging areas, making them more attractive to live and work in”. Consequently, the call has a territorial and thematic focus and addresses small-scale projects (see further below). The call budget is around 14 million Euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the ERDF co-financing rate is 80%.
Launch of call
15 October 2024
Closure of call
10 December 2024 16:00 CET
Assessment incl. hearings
First half of 2025
Selection of proposals
Summer 2025
Relevant documents
Application package
The application package for the third call contains the legal framework and detailed information about the call and the projects we aim to fund.
Key documents
General information about rules and requirements to be observed when applying with us can be found in the programme manual and strategic documents such as the Interreg Programme (IP).
Get familiar with our call
Territorial challenges
The central Europe territory is characterised by structural differences and economic disparities between different types of regions, notably more advanced and industrialised areas (e.g. capital regions, metropolitan areas) and deprived areas (e.g. peripheral areas including inner peripheries, rural areas which are lagging behind). The latter are characterised by lower competitiveness and shrinking populations, and they face many different challenges in relation to economic development, connectivity, demographic change and social cohesion. Furthermore, there are significant disparities in the quality of governance and public services.
Targeted territories
With this call we want to unlock the development potentials of peripheral and lagging areas. Projects shall deliver local and regional solutions tailored to the specific challenges of these places in line with the principles of the Territorial Agenda (TA) 2030, with lessons learned from related pilot actions serving as insights for project applicants.
In order to qualify for the territorial focus of the call, areas to be targeted by projects have to show one or more of the following characteristics:
- Low economic potential;
- Poor access to services of general interest, often affected by demographic change;
- Lack of relational proximity, decline in significance, influence or connectivity.
These characteristics of peripherality and lagging areas are of qualitative nature and there is no specific list or map of eligible regions to be targeted by projects. Targeted areas may be rural but may also include urban areas which are lagging behind in terms of socio-economic development. Their scale and size can vary depending on the project goals, e.g. ranging from local neighbourhoods (e.g. suburbs), city districts, villages and rural communities, small-or medium-sized towns or entire regions that are suffering from peripherality or that lag behind.
Thematic focus
The call will be thematically focused and be open for proposals in four programme specific objectives (SOs):
- SO 1.2: Strengthening skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
- SO 2.5: Greening urban mobility
- SO 3.1: Improving transport connections of rural and peripheral regions
- SO 4.1: Strengthening governance for integrated territorial development
Projects shall promote good governance through inclusive and participatory processes, on supporting socio-economic transformation by developing human capital and improving connectivity and governance in the concerned territories.
Priority 1: Cooperating for a smarter central Europe
SO 1.2 Strengthening skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
The strong industrial base of central Europe and its dependence on adequate skills underlines the strategic relevance of this specific objective. Small and medium enterprises (SME) are the main providers of employment in central Europe and it is important to foster locally available human skills, especially for the transition to Industry 4.0, digitalisation and a green economy.
Capacities need to be improved for an efficient entrepreneurial discovery process as well as for the preparation or updating of smart specialisation strategies. The place-based development of skills is also crucial for reducing urban-rural disparities. Overall, there is a need for a just transition process that is socially responsible.
Ideas are welcome in all relevant topics of this specific objective. We recommend though to focus on following topics with high importance for peripheral and lagging areas:
→ Capital and skills development
→ Brain drain, outmigration and the loss of skilled workforce
→ Social entrepreneurship
→ Digital transition
Priority 2: Cooperating for a greener central Europe
SO 2.5 Greening urban mobility
A reduction of transport emissions is one of the key targets of the European Green Deal. Smart and greener urban mobility will need an integrated response. Many functional urban areas in central Europe face similar challenges when greening their mobility. The specific territorial need lies in the vast diversity of topics (e.g. pollution and congestion) that need to be addressed in an integrated approach. Furthermore, the topic does not only include different ways of mobility, but also urban as well as urban-rural logistics.
Ideas are welcome in all relevant topics of this specific objective. We recommend though to focus on following topics with high importance for peripheral and lagging areas:
→ Sustainable multimodal connections in towns and their hinterlands
→ Improving mobility in peri-urban areas, including villages, in a functional urban area approach
→ Accessibility of public transport for everyone, including elderly and disabled people, in functional urban areas
Priority 3: Cooperating for a better connected central Europe
SO 3.1 Improving transport connections of rural and peripheral regions
The programme area is a relevant junction in Europe. This can strategically facilitate participation in trade and increase competitiveness. Accessibility to larger transport corridors is, however, comparatively weak. There is a need to link especially peripheral regions to the nodes of the TEN-T core network corridors (CNC), to remove bottlenecks and to bridge missing transport links to ensure good accessibility across central Europe. Furthermore, there is the need to reduce transport emissions by 90% by 2050, which calls for smart and sustainable approaches to cross-border mobility, intermodality and the introduction of IT-supported solutions for mobility management.
Ideas are welcome in all relevant topics of this specific objective. We recommend though to focus on following topics with high importance for peripheral and lagging areas:
→ Sustainable passenger transport
→ Testing and improving regional mobility services in the public interest for the citizens
Priority 4: Improving governance for cooperation in central Europe
SO 4.1 Strengthening governance for integrated territorial development
Central Europe is highly heterogeneous both in territorial as well as in socio-economic terms. A multitude of challenges and barriers hinder the economic, social and territorial development in central Europe, which are not necessarily bound to specific administrative units. They rather relate to areas with functional ties that are characterised by economic, social, and environmental linkages.
Addressing these territorial development challenges calls for integrated multi-level and multi-sectoral governance processes that consider functional linkages at the territorial level. There is a need to improve the capacities of public authorities on all territorial levels for setting up and implementing integrated territorial development strategies. Cooperation should be encouraged within and between territories that share functional ties.
Ideas are welcome in all relevant topics of this specific objective. We recommend though to focus on following topics with high importance for peripheral and lagging areas:
→ Demographic change
→ Provision of public services of general interest (e.g. health, education, social services etc.) through integrated territorial approaches
Features of small-scale projects
The call is implemented through small-scale projects. These are easier to set-up and implement compared to classic projects because of a shorter application form, the use of simplified cost options, and streamlined reporting procedures.
However, also with this new project type, partners are expected to develop practical and durable outputs and solutions by testing concrete novel or pioneering solutions through pilot actions. While smaller in size and shorter in duration, small-scale projects follow the same intervention logic as our classic projects.
Small-scale projects in a nutshell
Clear emphasis on territorial challenges of peripheral and lagging areas
At least three partners from three countries, two of which are located in central Europe
Between 12 and 24 months
Up to 800.000 EUR total budget (maximum of 640.000 EUR ERDF)
Browse ideas and find cooperation partners
In small-scale projects, the same types of institutions are eligible as in classic projects. We encourage, in particular, project partnerships that engage local or community level stakeholders and partners with implementation competencies and capacities to ensure impact in the targeted peripheral and lagging areas.
Partnerships should consist of local and regional authorities (or related institutions), associations, civil society, non-governmental organisations etc. The involvement of research organisations should be limited, reflecting roles such as knowledge providers or support to local and regional actors.
Make use of our support
We are here to help and support you along the way. During the call preview, we offer to our potential applicants a variety of support measures.
Events and webinars
In coming weeks, we host a series of online webinars and national information days. Join us to learn more about the call and to ask questions.
Explainers and tutorials
Quickly get familiar with the call by watching short explainer videos and discover how to develop a successful project through our tutorials.
National support
Reach out to our national contact points (NCP) in your national language. They offer guidance and information on national application issues.
Helpdesk and FAQs
We regularly update our FAQs, but if you still have questions about this call, do not hesitate to contact our helpdesk.
Individual consultations
In the third call, individual consultations with the joint secretariat are compulsory before submitting a proposal.
Consultation booking period is now closed.